The GRC upstairs room 243 where our book sale room is located is also going to serve as our children's library area. This will include special reading events and watching movies and CDs. To make this area more pleasant and useable by the children, we are going to add some bean bag chairs and large floor cushions. Rachel Beasley has graciously agreed to use her decorating talents in furnishing the room. If you have a bean bag chair or large floor cushion that you are not using and may wish to donate please contact me, Doris Jones or Rachel Beasley to see if the item will fit into the decorating scheme. We are looking forward to providing this additional service to our younger readers. I must say personally l have been thrilled at the eager response of our young readers. They constantly come in to see if there are new books they might check out and also they tell their friends about how great the book they read was. They inspire me. May we adults do as much to promote Christian literature.