Our first annual GRC Vision Luncheon was a real success due to the hard work of the whole team of GRC Vision volunteers and our church as a whole. We also had our teens and youth assisting. Rachel Beasley and the entire Beasley clan pitched in throughout. Mike and Amber King along with Olivia King did so much to assist in many ways. Sandy and Jon Yagar were there making sure all went well. Linda Stroud did an amazing job with her jewelry and craft items sale. Plus she assisted both before and afterwards. Many other volunteers assisted from Patsy Jones to Andrew Fenton. Thanks to you all. Space does not permit me to list all the names but you are appreciated.

We do not have the final account of funds raised just yet. George Bowers will have that figure for us shortly. I believe we far exceeded our initial expectation of funds. All funds raised will go towards the Bible translation for the Ma’adi people of Uganda. There are over 500,000 who have never had one verse of the Bible in their own language. Now they will. How wonderful and how exciting that our Lord permits us to be involved in this mission.

Our Pastor Brian McLaughlin has had a vision of this ministry to translate the Bible and our GRC has chosen this mission as our main goal in raising funds. Everyone who attended I believe received a door prize and the top prize of 4 days vacation at any Wyndham Resort nationwide went to Vanessa Johnson. Yea for her! And Rusty won a nice nail care door prize  himself. We all enjoyed fun, fellowship, great food and delicious desserts provided by the ladies of the church. There was a silent auction, book sales and so much more. We learned more about Christ and his Grace from both our Pastor, from Linda Stroud and from our gifted speaker, the author Tricia Gunn who wrote Unveiling Jesus. She gave a powerful testimony and gifted us with free signed copies of her book. Her church is donating $500 to the luncheon fund for Bible translation. How generous!

We all left with a better understanding of Christ’s beautiful gift of Grace to all of us and with an increased appreciation for our Bibles and how blessed we are.