Book Sale Room

Children’s Library | Room 243

We have a large number of books of all types from cookbooks to children’s books, from resource books and Bible study volumes to good Christian fiction. These are available for you to take at any time. Staff need not be present.

We have a lock box permanently attached. If possible, leave a donation of 50 cents for soft cover and $1 for hard cover books. If you have no cash please go ahead and take the books. We want them to be used. We do not specifically recommend any book nor any author. Fairview Church may or may not support claims or positions in these books as we have not read all of them. Should you wish to make a larger donation to the GRC you are welcome to leave it in the lock box in cash or as a check. Donations may be made on line or left at the Fairview office. All donations will go for Bible translation. Right now that is Bible translations being done for the Ma’adi people of Uganda. 

We will be adding cushions and seating for use by children at story and movie time we will have soon in room 243. This will be a place our children and youth can relax and enjoy good books and good Bible based information as well as crafts and other fun. I will be adding a children’s Bible based mural on the wall also. 

Keep watching room 243 for great changes and new uses. 

Taking Back Astronomy by Dr. Jason Lisle

A New Book That explains the age and history of the Universe

A new book that just arrived can cause you to reexamine every thing you thought you knew about the Universe and Astronomy. Dr. Lisle, the author, is a world class expert in this field and uses the Bible as the true authority in proving what is and is not true. This is not unscientific either. Dr. Lisle uses known provable physics and other scientific principles to show how the Universe cannot possibly be the age science says it is, billions of years old. One way he does this is to show how much our moon moves away from earth in a certain period of time. If it was as ancient as scientists say it would have moved so far away we could not even see it. Also the principles of the speed of light cannot be squared with what we are taught in our science books. His explanations are mind blowing and make such sense one cannot dismiss them. Challenges are raised with much of what we all have been taught, a lot of it fallible and incorrect. This book will help you better understand creation and to appreciate our great God and the Trinity even more.

I know prior to reading this book I had never even heard these truths. I was one of those persons who said “Well, God’s day was not one of our days.” And told myself other types explanations we have all heard.

As I read Taking Back Astronomy I found myself saying “WOW! over and over. This is a book that both young people and adults of all ages can understand as it is most readable and may I mention extremely well illustrated with excellent and beautiful photos of nebula and other views of the Universe. We also have his com[anion book Stargazer.s Guide to the Night Sky complete with a CD.

To reserve either of these books for checkout email me at or call 256-565-8264 for me, Doris Jones or leave a message for me at Fairview Church 256-353-8942. First contact gets to check out either book first. After that get on the waiting list. This book gets an extremely high recommendation from me and was chosen for our GRC by Pastor Brian McLaughlin who has a great interest as we all know in Astronomy and his grandfather was an engineer on the NASA Saturn project. He comes by it naturally but adds to this interest in Astronomy by giving credit to the inventor and creator of the Universe, our Father the Amazing God who made everything and even supplied us with a manual and handbook, the Bible. So how can we not appreciate books and knowledge? This is what our Fairview GRC is all about.. Come by and visit.

Presenting a Book to the GRC in Honor of Someone

When a special event occurs such as the birth of a child, a graduation, a wedding, the passing of a grand parent or someone else, a way to honor them in a very meaningful manner is to donate a book in their honor to the GRC and our church. The Pastor or myself can work with you to help select a suitable book that may reflect some special interest or focus for that person. A very nice plate will be put into the book giving your name and the name of the person you wish to honor as well as the occasion. If it is for a graduation, wedding or birth of a child you may wish to present two books, one to the person being honored and a matching one to the GRC. If you have any questions or if we can help, just contact me or Pastor Brian McLaughlin. 

Children's Library Area

The GRC upstairs room 243 where our book sale room is located is also going to serve as our children's library area. This will include special reading events and watching movies and CDs. To make this area more pleasant and useable by the children, we are going to add some bean bag chairs and large floor cushions. Rachel Beasley has graciously agreed to use her decorating talents in furnishing the room. If you have a bean bag chair or large floor cushion that you are not using and may wish to donate please contact me, Doris Jones or Rachel Beasley to see if the item will fit into the decorating scheme. We are looking forward to providing this additional service to our younger readers. I must say personally l have been thrilled at the eager response of our young readers. They constantly come in to see if there are new books they might check out and also they tell their friends about how great the book they read was. They inspire me. May we adults do as much to promote Christian literature. 

GRC Book Store Opening January 2017

The GRC is proud to announce the opening of our book store selling both used and new books. It is located in the 2nd level in room 243 just off the gallery. We have a large selection of books that have been donated to the GRC. There is everything in reading material from children’s books to cookbooks, from travel and gardening to fine Christian novels and resource materials. We will announce the opening date in January soon. 

You may go into this room at any time after we open, choose your books and pay for them by the honor system. There will be a cash box and you can drop in your donation for the books you have chosen. We suggest a minimum donation of 50 cents for soft cover and $1.00 for hard cover. All the money generated from these book sales goes for the Bible translation projects of our missions program. If you wish to donate more than the suggested minimum, that is always welcome. Please do not donate books by leaving them in this room. All donated books should be given to Doris Jones or left in the GRC.

Remember books make great gifts too. If there is a particular type or name of a book you wish us to be on the lookout for you just let us know. This service can be an excellent one for all of us and a way to use and recycle valuable reading materials while saving money. We all like that!


Author: Dr. Bill Gillham

Dr. Bill Gillham, author, Christian counselor, speaker, husband and father of four had a career as a professor of Psychology at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Born in 1927, he passed away in 2011 leaving a legacy of thoughtful teaching and three books. His book “Lifetime Guarantee” is our December book of the month. He also wrote “What God Wishes Christians Knew about Christianity” and co-authored “He Said, She Said” (a great book on marriage) with his wife Anabel. 

Dr. Gillham and Anabel founded Lifetime Guarantee Ministries in 1976 and hosted a nationally syndicated radio program. He was a spokesman who spoke world wide about focusing on Christ and not religion. He had learned this first hand when he became burned out trying to work for and earn salvation rather than relaxing and letting Christ do the work through him. After finding the true grace of the gospel he went on to share this empowering truth that brings freedom and joy with as many people as possible. Through his writing and speaking ministry he reached many we are certain. Do come by the GRC and check out his book.

Steve McVey: Author of Unlock Your Bible and President of Grace Walk

Dr. Steve McVey is the President of Grace Walk with offices in 7 countries. He is the author of 17 books published in 16 languages. He has where he shares his journey of religion into a life with a relational God. His podcasts guides anyone wanting to walk the same path.

He answers questions like “Why are we here?” and it is not the answer most religions give either.

“Is God Angry?” is another question he answers. What do we mean when we say “GOD”? as he helps us explore our understanding of God. And so much more.

Everyone can benefit from reading Dr. Steve McVey’s books, whether you are a new Christian, unsaved or a mature Christian.

The late Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ best summed him up when he said, “Steve McVey has given us in a very clear and understandable language a wonderful indelible picture of just how beautiful, complete and even startling God’s love for us really is.”

Two Volunteers from the GRC Vision Team Needed to Work in Book Sales Room

Anyone from the GRC Vision Team who has 3 hours next Weds. November 9th from 9 till 12 let me know. Two people will be needed to put books on shelves and work getting this room ready so Fairview members can go in and select books to purchase from our new book store area. If you are not on the Vision Team and would like to do this, you are most welcomed. Maybe you would also like to be on the team? More volunteers are always needed in this fun group.

We will be prepping books and putting them up in bookshelves already in the room.

Books will be grouped according to Adult, fiction and non -fiction, Children and Young adult plus Resources. We will also be organizing this room for several purposes. We will have a children’s library there with cushions and bean bags. We will have our library supplies located here and tables for prepping books and for crafts. We also will have a bookcase designated for our crafts projects.

Note: If anyone has some floor cushions and or bean bags they wish to donate to this area, please let me know.

Doris Jones | (256) 565-8264 or

Our First New Media in the GRC

We have our first new media in the GRC. Phil Fitzgerald donated an entire set of CDs from the visiting minister Ben Shettler. We have the entire set available for checkout individually. There are 5 CDs.

  1. Noah and the Last Days with a message by Ken Hann, “Creation and the Last Days.”
  2. 180. The hottest movie on the Internet. 33 minutes that will rock your world. 
  3. Genius. It will open your eyes says Ken Mansfield, former US Manager of Apple Records.
  4. Audacity. Love can’t stay silent from Executive producer and writer Ray Comfort.
  5. Evolution VS God. Shaking the Foundations of Faith. Movie Guide says “Profound…. its research is impeccable.”

Any one or all of these are worth hearing. Thank you Fitzgeralds for your generosity in providing our first start for our media in the GRC.

Our First Annual GRC Vision Luncheon

Our first annual GRC Vision Luncheon was a real success due to the hard work of the whole team of GRC Vision volunteers and our church as a whole. We also had our teens and youth assisting. Rachel Beasley and the entire Beasley clan pitched in throughout. Mike and Amber King along with Olivia King did so much to assist in many ways. Sandy and Jon Yagar were there making sure all went well. Linda Stroud did an amazing job with her jewelry and craft items sale. Plus she assisted both before and afterwards. Many other volunteers assisted from Patsy Jones to Andrew Fenton. Thanks to you all. Space does not permit me to list all the names but you are appreciated.

We do not have the final account of funds raised just yet. George Bowers will have that figure for us shortly. I believe we far exceeded our initial expectation of funds. All funds raised will go towards the Bible translation for the Ma’adi people of Uganda. There are over 500,000 who have never had one verse of the Bible in their own language. Now they will. How wonderful and how exciting that our Lord permits us to be involved in this mission.

Our Pastor Brian McLaughlin has had a vision of this ministry to translate the Bible and our GRC has chosen this mission as our main goal in raising funds. Everyone who attended I believe received a door prize and the top prize of 4 days vacation at any Wyndham Resort nationwide went to Vanessa Johnson. Yea for her! And Rusty won a nice nail care door prize  himself. We all enjoyed fun, fellowship, great food and delicious desserts provided by the ladies of the church. There was a silent auction, book sales and so much more. We learned more about Christ and his Grace from both our Pastor, from Linda Stroud and from our gifted speaker, the author Tricia Gunn who wrote Unveiling Jesus. She gave a powerful testimony and gifted us with free signed copies of her book. Her church is donating $500 to the luncheon fund for Bible translation. How generous!

We all left with a better understanding of Christ’s beautiful gift of Grace to all of us and with an increased appreciation for our Bibles and how blessed we are.

October 8th GRC Vision Luncheon Yearly Fund Raiser

Anyone still wishing to be a part of this exciting first event, do sign up on the bulletin board outside the GRC so you can be one of the founding sponsors. The duties are light and you can choose the way or ways you prefer to serve.

We will be needing tickets sold, door prizes, silent auction items, hosts and hostess on the day of the event. We will be serving a full lunch and can use the great chefs here at Fairview.

Please read about this on the bulletin board and let the Lord lead as He will in your serving if that is the right choice. Do come to me, Doris Jones, with any questions.

Thank you so much for our first participants signing up. We have 14 commitments and need a minimum of 6 more. Come on and don’t miss out on the fun and excitement!

Using the GRC for Research and Study

The main room of the GRC is available for use as a research location, for study or for private counseling sessions or meetings.

Arrange to schedule this through Doris Jones. She can be reached at by email here or phone at (256) 565-8264. You can reserve the space or are most welcome to come in and use the facility at any time we are open.

Since we have WiFi in the building, feel free to bring your laptop or tablet to use for online research. If you have any special needs, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them.

All that is requested is that the GRC be left as you found it. Dispose of any trash or other items brought in. Leave with door locked behind you and lights out. We are looking forward to your using this space for the intended purposes and in the study of the word.

Lynn K. Wilder | Author of Unveiling Grace

Lynn Wilder

Lynn Wilder

For thirty years, Lynn Wilder was an active member of the Mormon church and a tenured member of the faculty of Brigham Young University, specializing in International studies and known world wide. Her son Micah had a life changing revelation while serving his Mormon mission in Florida. Eventually this led to the entire family accepting Christ and becoming Christians. Needless to say this had profound effects on the entire family, their relationships, jobs and future. 

Lynn tells of her abandoning the deception of Mormonism as she received God’s Grace. It changed all their lives.

We will soon be meeting her and her family right here at Fairview as they come to visit and to present their testimony and story. What a wonderful event that will be on Sunday August 7th. Don’t miss it and be sure to invite family and friends. The Wilders will be with us the entire day.

Lynn Wilder graduated from High School in Richmond, Indiana. She married her husband Michael in 1974 and they have 3 sons, Joshua, Matt and Micha. Lynn and Michael joined the LDS church in 1977 after 2 Mormon missionaries visited their door. She earned her Phd at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. In 2008, Lynn converted and became an evangelical Born-Again-Christian. She resigned her position at BYU. Her book is a fair and very comprehensive one showing the true differences between Christianity and Mormonism. We are blessed to be having her visit with her family and share first hand her testimony and experiences.

You are invited!

You are invited! All members of Fairview Baptist are welcome to join the GRC Vision Team. We need a minimum of 20 members—more are better of course. The sign up poster is on the left wall in the lobby behind the desk. Pens are on counter. Just choose a book and write in your name. Information is included on the poster. If you ever wished to see your name on a book jacket—now is the time. Don’t miss out on the joy of being part of seeing the Bible translation to the Ma’adi people of Uganda become a reality. Plus you will have a lot of fun with the other GRC Vision Team members. If you have any questions see Pastor Brian or Doris Jones.

Be a Part of the GRC Vision Team

Ever wanted your name on a book cover? Now you can——just join our GRC Vision Team at Fairview. Pick out your book and write in your name. You will be on our bookshelf and we are looking for a minimum of members. More than that are welcome of course!

Being a member of the GRC Vision Team is somewhat like being a Friends of the Library Member but even better. The following are advantages and perks you will have by being in this vital support group.

  • You will assist in and see the vision of a Bible Translation become a reality.
  • You will have an opportunity to meet and speak with authors and guests.
  • You will have first choice at the Book Sale items.
  • You will be able to welcome guests and visitors to GRC and our fund raiser.
  • You will have input into books, reviews and how the GRC operates.
  • You will have enjoyable times with other team members.

What would I have to do? How much time does this take? What would be my responsibilities?

  • Believe in and support the GRC and Bible Translation Goals.
  • Have approximately 2 hours per month for this work.
  • Have 2 half days or total of 8 hours available near the October 8 fund raiser.
    • (This would be one 1/2 day work day and 1/2 day on October 8th, 2016.)

Being a member of the GRC Vision Team would not be a heavy duty responsibility, it would however be a very important one as the goals of the GRC cannot be accomplished without input and hands to carry them out. You can choose the ways in which you serve. We are each different with various gifts. Come and talk with me, Doris Jones, or Pastor Brian McLaughlin if you would like to discuss this or if you have any questions. We are interested in having members from all age groups and both men and women.

The Gospel in Twenty Questions by Paul Ellis

July 2016 Book of the Month Blog Photo.png

Some of the interesting questions that are biblically answered in this book are:

  • What is God Like?
  • Does God make us sick to teach us things?
  • What is the unforgivable sin?
  • Once saved, always saved?

And 16 more life-changing questions, many of which you may have had or still have and for which you wish to know the answers.

This book will lead you to a deeper relationship wth Jesus who is the greatest Answer of all.

Paul Ellis, the author was a pastor for 10 years in Hong Kong, and an award-winning professor at a top Asian business school before becoming a full time author from New Zealand who writes about the Gospel of Grace.